Saturday, December 1, 2007

Donny's Five Months!

We are having so much fun with Donny these days! He is getting stronger and smarter all the time. This week he has started to respond as if he understands a couple of words. He understands "kiss." I have a routine with him when I pick him up out of his crib. I whisper "kiss kiss kiss" to him, then I kiss his cheeks and mouth. He will sometimes offer his open mouth for kissing, and when he is in someone else's arms and I say "Give Mama a kiss!" He wiggles with excitement and turns to me with a big smile and waits.

He also knows the word hungry. If he is hungry, but still acting happy and I ask him "Are you hungry?" He starts up with his "feed me now!" whimpering. SO CUTE! Of course, if he isn't hungry, he doesn't respond to the word at all - so I'm not positive he really knows the word.... maybe it's just the context and tone of voice?

We have started some cereal with him in the last few weeks. He takes it really well, but then doesn't know how to swallow it. At Thanksgiving we let him suck on a pickle and an olive, and he had no reaction at all! Either he has no taste buds, or he just likes pickles and olives. He's not too steady being strapped into the high chair yet, but he liked it when we put him in it.

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Thanksgiving was fun. Lots of good food, and a baby to show off and be thankful for. Not to mention spending time with my family!

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Can you see the triptaphan at work?
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Now Christmas is on the way, and Donny loves to look at the Christmas tree... but he likes jumping in his jumperoo more! Here are his monthly Girafferoo pictures. Sorry about the toes in two of them. I didn't realize they were there - and the pictures of him were too cute to not share anyway.

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